Can I use a free beat?

For artists, using an instrumental created by another person in their release is often a point of confusion. It can be frustrating to learn that a beat on YouTube that is titled as “free” is not actually free to use when releasing your song.

Why is this, and when is the beat I want to use actually free?

It all comes down to commercial usage rights versus personal usage rights. It’s often that a beat on YouTube will be titled as ”free” and not actually be free for commercial usage. What this means is that it’s free to download and use for yourself, however, you do not have the rights to release it publicly on any platform without the permission of the creator/owner of the rights. You can check the description of the video to see if there is any additional clarification on the rights and where they stand.

How do I obtain the rights?

Oftentimes in the video description, there will be a link to purchase the beat, upon which you’ll receive rights that may be specified in a contract, often in addition to an audio file containing higher fidelity and/or a removed audio watermark. If there is no link or statement on rights contained in the description, do not assume the beat is free to use commercially. The best thing to do here is to try to reach out to the creator/owner of rights to either obtain express permission or inquire on purchasing commercial rights. It’s best to reach out to the creator/owner of rights in case you found the beat/instrumental on another platform and couldn’t find information regarding its rights as well.
Unfortunately, without commercial rights or explicit permission, trac legally cannot distribute your song if it contains a beat/instrumental made by somebody else.

I have obtained the commercial rights or the beat is free to use commercially, how do I release my song with trac?
If you do have commercial rights to this release, be sure to upload a copy/screenshot of the contract or receipt that you received upon purchase to If this release is free for commercial use, your submission got flagged and you were asked to send proof of rights to release, please be sure to send us a screenshot of or a link to where it indicates it is free for commercial usage. In the event you did not receive a contract or receipt, please contact us and we will work with you to ensure your submission is approved in the event that you have the rights to release it commercially.

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