How do I upload my music (Cover art + Music section)

Let's start!
  • First log in to your account or create a new account
  • In your dashboard, you will see Music. From there click the button that says "Drop New Music"
  • From here, you will see the first section of the upload process which is (Cover art + Music). This is where you will add your release title, upload your artwork and audio.
Release title - This section is where you will name the entire release. Whether it is a single, an EP, or an album.
  • 📒Note: If you are releasing a single the release title should be the same as the track title.
Listed below are the following requirements when it comes to the release title:
  • Artist name should not be included in the release title unless if it's a self titled release then the format should be like this (i.e. "The Weeknd" Self-titled album)
  • Featured artists and producer names should not be included in the release title. (Featured artists should be added in the collaborators section while producers should be added in the credits section).
  • Release title should not have a remix/version in the title (i.e. This Is My Song Remix, This Is My Song instrumental version). This should be added in the version field in the next upload process section.
  • No dashes or underscores in the title.
  • Every first letter of the word should be capitalized
This Is My Song
tHiS iS my sOnG
📒Note: If you wish to release a song that is all in lower cases, you can upgrade to our Pro plan.
Cover art - This section is where you will upload the release's artwork. In order for the artwork to be accepted, it should follow the guidelines listed below:
  • The current acceptable format for an artwork is a perfect square with a minimum of 3000x3000 pixels, and not blurry. 
  • Make it simple! Having the release title and/or artist name should be enough.
  • Here are the things that is not allowed in a cover art:
No Extra text that isn't in metadata
No Extra logos. (Label logo is acceptable)
No Copyrighted images
No celebrities/Public figures in the artwork
No Social Media handles
No Contact information
No Cutoff images
No Stretched out images, blurry images, pixelated images
No QR codes, Barcodes
No Movie rating labels (PG-13, R, etc.) Anything used by Motion Pictures Association.
No Video game rating labels (T for Teens, M for Mature) used by ESRB.
Track(s) - This section is where you upload your music. In order for your audio to be accepted, it should follow the guidelines listed below:
  • The current accepted file formats are the following: M4A, FLAC, MP3, MP4, WAV, WMA, AAC.
  • Singles must be at least 60 seconds long.
📒Note: For an EP and album releases, you can have tracks that are less than 60 seconds provided that 75% of the tracks are more than 60 seconds long. An example would be, if an EP has 5 tracks, you can have an intro and an outro that is less than 60 seconds provided that 3 out of 5 tracks are more than 60 seconds long.
  • Make sure that the track title/s are already in the correct casing format, you can edit this in the Summary section before submitting the release. (i.e. This Is My Song, tHiS_is-My sOnG Remix)
  • An audio should not have the following:
Too distorted
Poor quality
Pitched up/down
Long amounts of silence
Abrupt cuts from beginning or at the end
One sided (only coming out of the right or left speaker)
non musical (such as, Podcasts, Spoken poetry, Audio books etc.)
Too generic.
(Learn more about what is generic here: Why is my music considered generic?)
Once this section is done, click the next step and proceed to the next section!
Click here for the guidelines on the next step!(Add hyperlink for the next step here)

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