What is a derivative work?

We’re here to talk about derivative works, which are new songs created using elements from one or more preexisting works. Examples of derivative works include language translations, samples or replaying (re-recording a segment of the original song), parodies, medleys, and song arrangements that change lyrics, abridge the music or make other significant alterations to the original composition.
Original copyright holders may have a claim in this new version even if they didn’t create it themselves - so it is important for anyone creating these types of compositional pieces to be aware of any potential legal issues before publishing them online. It is also worth noting that cover songs are NOT considered derivative works and should be treated differently when considering copyright regulations.
We cannot distribute music that does not belong to you or that you are not licensed to release. Once you obtain your license, please send any documents to content@trac.co so we can verify that you are cleared to release your remix. When you are submitting your release, be sure to also credit the original composers/lyricists in the credits field of your track(s).
*Master license: an agreement between a music user and the owner of a copyrighted sound recording, that grants permission to use the recording. This permission is also called a master lease or master rights.
(Source: EasySong)
We hope this helps you better understand what constitutes as a derivative work and how best to respect existing copyrights when creating your own musical masterpieces! If you would like further information on cover songs specifically please check out our article on the topic which can be found here

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